This is a picture
from our last product Altered States. We have started creating
this demo just after releasing Place in the Space - our second
demo in early 1993 together with the guys from Elysium. It was
supposed to be the best C64 demo ever. It took us half a year to code some
very powerful parts and we wanted to release them on The Party in
Denmark. Too bad, we were not able to link all parts together before December'93
(still 1 or 2 parts were missing) because we all wanted to make this demo
perfectly designed. Unfortunately 1994 was even worse for Altered States -
a lot of the sceners have left the 64 scene and we still have had a lot
of problems with collecting all parts (mostly these from Elysiumers).
As we in Taboo have seen no sense just to keep the demo unreleased
on our disks, we have decided to show the demo at the party in Tarnow in
December'94 but we didn't release it, as we still were hoping to collect
all parts and release the co-op demo. Another 2 and half (!) years have
passed but we haven't still get the Elysium parts and finally we
released the demo in 1997, beating all records in the "most delayed demo"
It is
Ritual II - the second powerful graphic collection from Cruise
(and the first, since he has joined our crew). It has been released in
April 1995. Ritual II contains dozen awesome pictures made in FLI and FLI
interlace technique. Cruise was surely one of the most productive
graphicians on the scene but still one of the best! If you haven't ever seen
his artwork, download Ritual II now! You should also know that
Shogoon did 2 nice musics for the collection and MMS linked the whole
thing together.
Come on please.
Sit down where they bid. After all you don't have a ticket. But remember:
leave your shadow, leave the cover of innocence...
This is an introduction to Intrigue - the one and only
Fazee's graphic collection - produced and relased before Easter 1994.
Some of the pictures in the collection took very high places in graphic compos
as they really deserve it! All the graphic and design was done by Fazee.
Shogoon did the music and KM coded the stuff...
Wayne has his own graphic collection. It has been released in May 1993
but contained mainly his old pictures he painted for sixtyfour on Amiga!
It was the first time people were able to see hires picutres with
a lot of colors (in a so-called "super hires" as people have called it
later). It was quite hard for Wayne to paint normal hires pictures
on Amiga as he had to remember all of the C64 color limits - that's why we
have decided to put some sprites over the picture and let it possible to
do up to 4 colors instead of 2...
a Place in the Space where a raytraced ball flies over a chessboard
with a nice on-C64-calculated raytracing! The picture on the left comes
from our second demo - a winner of the CB/Skylight party in Szczecin on
December 1992. It has been done in just a few months, but still was a quite
nice demo with some world-records (fast realtime transforming vectors and
a realtime sideborder dot-scroller) and never-seen parts.
Place in the Space was one of the first demos with no part-by-part
design but a kind of trackmo-design instead (however it was not so "perfect"
as some people said it was sometimes boring)...
our first demo made by only 2 coders and no graphicians at all! Its name
is More Than NOPs - it'd been coded since December 1991 and has been
released on the party in Warsaw on March 1992. However the graphic was very
poor, the whole product was not so bad - there was two nice games (!) in the
demo and a quite good zooming routine (you can see on the right). To be honest,
More Than NOPs was not even a real Taboo product as our group
"was born" a few weeks after releasing this demo but surely it has helped us
to enter the scene and forced to produce another demos with better graphic
and design...